
Zoom Presentation Tips

Do you have a Zoom presentation (or other virtual presentation) coming up anytime soon? Get some Zoom presentation tips here to help you prepare effectively. … Read More


Do you have a Zoom presentation (or other virtual presentation) coming up anytime soon? Get some Zoom presentation tips here to help you prepare effectively.

Here are 5 for you to consider before you start preparing.

Tip 1 – Rehearse using the exact same platform and conditions for the real thing. A number of platforms get updated regularly – know what opportunities (and risks) these updates provide. For example, there could be a new function that allows you to enhance the presentation. Equally, one button you used a lot could have been moved to a different section of the screen.

Tip 2 – Think about what you are going to do in the opening minute. Cut out all the meaningless fluff and sound like you mean business. Audiences will make an initial judgement very quickly indeed. Then ensure that your first substantive message is a ‘golden’ one. By this I mean choose a message that you will enjoy delivering and that you believe they will enjoy hearing.

Tip 3 – Are you using slides? If yes, go through the deck, slide by slide. For every single one make sure it is online friendly. Most people have the same type of slides they would use in the room. This is a mistake. They can absorb less in a Zoom presentation, so put less information on each slide. Change slides more regularly, to build up a feeling of momentum. Never get stuck on the same slide for too long.

Tip 4 – Have a plan for audience engagement, otherwise you are making your job far more difficult. Audience engagement can happen during a Zoom presentation but it needs to be carefully structured. At what points of the presentation will you proactively engage them and what techniques will you use to achieve this? Make the plan and follow the plan.

Tip 5 – How are you going to wrap things up elegantly? Do not leave it to chance – have a clear objective. Some people run out of things to say and just stop. Others ramble on for too long. Finish at the right time and make your closing remarks punchy.

Many people have not given a virtual presentation for a few weeks or longer due to holidays – there is a chance you will be a little rusty. But your audience are not likely to cut you much slack. So put in some extra preparation for the next one.

For more Zoom Presentation tips, download our handy SketchNote – click the link below…

Virtual Presentation – Top Tips


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