When you are presenting virtually, your presentation lighting is one factor you must take into account.
The bottom line – if your lighting is poor, then the visual success of the presentation will not happen.
Most people know this already.
However, when giving a presentation online, there is one lesser known risk you need to avoid.
Bearing in mind the time of day for your presentation, ask yourself the question below.
Is there any prospect it is going to get dark during my presentation?
I was reminded of this risk again this week while watching a presentation.
When the speaker started, it was light. His presentation lighting was fine.
He began well but was relying almost entirely on natural light.
It was quite a long presentation.
As it started to get dark, the image quality slowly faded.
This was a minor issue at first but it became a major one.
He was not sure what to do.
So he did nothing.
It was dark by the time he finished but the impact of his presentation had gone long before he finished.
There are two lessons for you to take from this.
Firstly, if there is any prospect of it getting dark then have sufficient lighting ready in advance.
Secondly, if you forget to do this and you find yourself in the position of the speaker in this post, you need to take action. Doing nothing is not a sensible option. If you don’t have sufficient presentation lighting, the whole game is over.
So, turn off your camera for a moment and fix the problem as swiftly as possible.
(if you need to move away from the microphone, just tell them you will be silent for a few moments).
In short, prevention is better than cure. But cure is better than inaction!
Getting the presentation lighting right is vital for your audience. For another audience tip please take a look at the following article…