
PowerPoint Slides

Are your PowerPoint slides helping your presentation or are they hindering you? The way you set your slides up can have an impact on your … Read More

PowerPoint Slides

Are your PowerPoint slides helping your presentation or are they hindering you? The way you set your slides up can have an impact on your delivery and your audience.

The presenter really struggled with the slide like the picture attached to this article.

And then, one simple adjustment changed everything.

As you can see the PowerPoint slide is pretty busy.

So, when the presenter delivered it, two major problems arose.

His delivery was weak and hesitant.

The audience disengaged, partly because the PowerPoint slide was cluttered and partly because of the delivery.

Despite giving the presentation a few times, he wasn’t getting any better with this one.

He sent me a recording to take a look.

When we met up, I suggested a number of changes overall.

But one of them was simple.

I got him to put the line graph on a slide by itself.

I got him put the bar chart on a slide by itself.

I got him to put the pie chart on a slide by itself.

I got him to put the bullet points on another slide.

The first time he did the rehearsal, his delivery changed completely.

There was no hesitation and he was enthusiastic about each of the four PowerPoint slides.

He carried this through to the next real one and as a result got a far more engaged audience.

Sometimes there are complex solutions.

But sometimes there are simple ones.

Take a look at the PowerPoint slides for your next presentation.

Do any of them look like the slide in the image?

If so, you know what to do!

It will not take you long to make the changes but the results will be instant and significant.

If your presentation is being delivered online, take a look at our tips for PowerPoint slides online https://www.speakwithimpact.com/effective-presentation-slides-online/


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