
How to deliver a busy PowerPoint slide

Tips on how to deliver a busy PowerPoint slide – without confusing or losing your audience.

How to deliver a busy PowerPoint slide

This week we look at how to deliver a busy PowerPoint slide.

I do not recommend having busy slides.

In fact, do everything in your power to avoid them.

Busy slides are a maze for the speaker and the audience.

But what if there was a situation where delivering a busy slide was compulsory?

What if, for whatever reason (perhaps a direct order from senior management), you had no other choice?

What can you do?

Here is one approach that can help.

Step 1

Study every part of the slide and know the content inside out.

Do you need to deliver everything on the slide?

If not, work out what has to be covered.

Step 2

Decide upon the optimal order to cover the material.

Make the order as logical as possible, to make life easier for you.

Step 3

Mention to the audience up front that the slide is complex but to be assured that you will guide them through it.

Then think of yourself as a tour guide.

Tell the audience where to look first and cover that part of the slide.

When the first section of the slide is finished, tell them where to focus on next.

For the rest of the slide, tell them where to focus at any given moment.

Follow this and you will be surprised at how much easier it becomes.

Obviously, busy and complex slides are best avoided wherever possible.

But if you find yourself in a position where you have to deliver one, remember to think of yourself as the tour guide and walk your audience through the slide like a map.

You will be glad you did.

And so will they!

For more guidance on creating good PowerPoint slides and how to avoid delivering a busy PowerPoint slide – check out the following top tips for success article…

How to Create Good PowerPoint Slides: Top Tips For Your Success


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